Gingrich Linked to Confederate Flag Controversy

WASHINGTON, DC, January 2 -- Citing an appearance by Charles Goolsby on this morning's NBC "Today" show defending the use of the Confederate flag symbol on Maryland state tags, the president of the Washington--based Confederate Memorial Association (CMA) said that the group Goolsby represents has close ties to House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"Mr. Goolsby is a member of the Jefferson Davis Camp No. 305 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans," John Edward Hurley, president of the CMA, said. Hurley said that Goolsby's group includes high-- powered political operatives and added that a former commander of the camp had given $50,000 for one dinner speech by Gingrich.

"As Goolsby mentioned on the show, the Jefferson Davis Camp is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization," Hurley said. "Not only does it have a clear track record of being involved in politics, it had an exhibit at the annual C-PAC convention in Washington with GOPAC and the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation." Both of these groups are part of the House ethics committee probe of Gingrich.

Hurley said that a lawsuit was brought against him by the Jefferson Davis Camp that resulted in his being jailed on December 19 for failing to include the Davis Camp members on his board. Hurley had told the judge that his refusal to include the new board members was because the CMA was following the IRS prohibition against political activity. Hurley also objected to the racist board game "Home Rulette," which was produced by the camp members.

Judge John H. Bayly has promised to send Hurley back to jail if he does not place the Davis Camp members on his board by the time he is to again appear before the judge on January 23rd. In addtion, the judge is requiring Hurley to pay $30,000 in costs at the time he appears. Hurley has also been fined an addional $360,000 for contempt of court.

Hurley, who was realeased from jail pending the Janaury 23rd hearing, said that he is the only Confederate leader since Jefferson Davis to be jailed.